
Check machine properties over ssh

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Check machine properties over ssh


npm i check-machine -g


check-machine is a binary to install globally, it expects that a file check-machine.js exists on cwd,

check-machine 1.0.0

        check-machine [opts] -- [machine] [constraint1 constraint2 constraint3 ...]
        check-machine [machine] [constraint1 constraint2 constraint3 ...]

        -v verbose
        -h help

        check-machine lb1 lb
        check-machine lb2 lb
        check-machine web2 web db redis


Is a node module which exports a function. This handler receives argv, returns a configuration object of ssh hosts and constraints,

    machines: {
      'vagrant': ssh host
    constraints: {
      'constraint 1': function (sshConn, argv){},
      'constraint 2': require(...)(...),
      'constraint 3': ['constraint 1', 'constraint 2']

ssh host

SSH hosts are plain objects

{ host: '',
    port: 2222,
    username: 'vagrant',
    password: 'vagrant' }


Constraints are function (sshConn, argv) which returns function (next).

    function notFound(sshConn, argv) {
        return function (next) {
            that.emit('message', {
                message: 'assert',
            next('not found')

When constraints are require-able, they are are function (params...) which returns function (sshConn, argv) which returns function (next).

module.exports = function (param) {
  return function (sshConn, argv) {
    param = !param ? ... : ...;
    return function (next) {
        that.emit('message', {
            message: 'assert',
        next(err, sshConn)


To render the status of the test, the constraints are invoked into the context af an event emitter.

Constraints are expected to emit('message', {}) events, such

that.emit('message', {
    message: 'assert',                          // message type
    error: err,                                 // execution error
    full_subject: stdout,                       // full content on which the tests is performed
    subject: subject.replace(/\n/g, ' '),       // When possible, a reduced part of the content
    expected: m,                                // the expectation
    description: 'check php module',            // a descriptive text for humans
    result: !!subject && subject.match(m)       // a boolean indicating the result


Kick-start your hacks like this,

git clone..
vagrant up
node bin.js vagrant php
node bin.js vagrant php_version
